About us

Etnosoсium (multinational society):

This Is Politics, Economics, Sociology and Law.


With the financial support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications


Our mission is to support and develop the culture of scientific research in the sphere of politics, political science, sociology, economics and law. Including the dissemination of knowledge in the development of innovative strategies for the development and creation of the professional forum of discussion of trends and policies in the field of science, technology and innovation.

Subjects recommended publications:

- national and international aspects of politics, economics and law in a multinational state as a priority factor of stabilization;

- priorities for social, economic, scientific and technological development;

- development of national and international innovation systems;

- trends and indicators of science, technology and innovation;

- scientific, technical and innovation policy;

- economic culture and management culture;

- legal culture and the culture of law;

- national and international aspects of politics, economics and law in a multinational state as a priority factor of stabilization;

- strategic initiatives and innovative program development at the national , regional , federal and geopolitical levels.

Versatility of the edition allows to combine consideration of various social phenomena existing in a multicultural society, and a comparison of the author's position on questions like ethnic culture and the economic, philosophical, legal and geopolitical problems in each issue of the journal. Due to the broadness of the creative approach a variety of positions of the authors are combined not only in the titles of the published topics, but also on numerous issues related to the economic, informational, ideological and legal fields, as well as to environmental, energy and public-religious policy. In the same discursive space there are reflections on the history of the most important social and political processes and their present state, the role of different social groups and individuals in the implementation of large-scale social projects, the importance of the experience of older generations, and features entry of youth in independent political and economic life. A big international bloc exists, too.

Reviewers are leading researchers in relevant disciplines from Russia and other countries.

The editorial board consists of leading experts of world and national level in the field of international relations, ethic economy, jurisprudence in the system of the Russian Federation, and on the international level, strategic planning, governance, economics, science and innovation, representatives of governments and development institutions.

In its thematic focus the magazine is a unique edition. Published monthly and distributed in Russia, CIS and far abroad.



The versatility of the edition allows to combine consideration of various social phenomena existing in a multiethnic society, and comparison of authors’ positions on issues like ethnic culture and economic, philosophical, legal and geopolitical issues. Because of the broad approach, authors’ different positions are brought up not only in the titles of the published editions, but also on a number of issues related to economic, information, ideological and legal spheres, to the issues of ecology, energy, public-religious policy. In the same discursive space there are reflections on the history of the most important social and political processes and their present state, the role of different social groups and individuals in the implementation of large-scale social projects, the importance of the experience of older generations, and features entry of youth in independent political and economic life.The journal has a large international unit.

CHAPKIN S.V., deputy chief editor.

RYABOVA E.L., editor in chief, doctor of political Sciences.